Gender Relations
An Overview on Gender relations
Gender relations is a collection of works done by three authors, Joseph Swetnam, Rachel Speght, and William gouge that detail the roles of each gender during the 17th century and highlights the inequality and injustice that women suffered and fought against. These collections of work all impacted and influenced the culture and society and are all important because it developed the views on gender equality, which is something that we are still facing in the 21st century. During the 17th century, the fall of Queen Elizabeth, rallied men together who feared the power of women and their capabilities and attempted to stifle the power with works such as "The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Forward, and Unconstant Women" by Swetnam and "Of Dometicall Duties" by Gouge who use important pieces of Literature and The Bible in-order to have women submit. But instead of submitting we see the birth of powerful women like Speght that publish works like "A Muzzle for Melastomus" who fight for women and defend who they are and create the path for all women to stand up for themselves despite the fear and consequence. This work is just important for the 17th century but for the modern world today because their are millions of women world wide who live in fear of men and are subjected to a certain lifestyle because of society, men and religion who are afraid to stand up for themselves because of the horrific consequences they may receive, and these reading, however how awful, give hope because we can see the growth and how much of an impact these readings made, maybe not at first, but eventually.
I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free
human being with an independent will.
Why did I choose Gender relations?
I feel like my description of Gender Relations may have given it away just a bit, but because of the injustice in Gender equality we endor today, and i'm not really talking about the United States but in general women in hundreds of countries world wide suffer daily because of an bias system that women like Rachel Speght fought against and all it takes is a little bit of hope and risk and it might make a big impact.